
Showing posts from April, 2012

Phone update

Got My new phone :-) once I put the battery in, (sent it back without one, and ordered the replacement a different way), it started to hard reset :-( The wifi chip doesn't work at all, it just says "error" under wifi settings. Every time I plug it into a power source it hard cores. I updated the Rom to the latest version, no difference. I got my data off of it and my microsd card and sent it back to the Geek Squad, Got an iphone 4 loaner. It's a pretty phone, but call quality is not as good as my motarola, and ios 5 is no Ice Cream Sandwich ... although this white iphone kind of looks like an ice cream sandwich, wonder what it tastes like ... New, New phone should be here on Friday according to the guys at BB. No longer holding my breath. The good news is that if this one doesn't work then I get a $600 in store credit to buy the phone of my choice. Now to decide between the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket, and the HTC Vivid; decisions decisions.

Why I might just buy all phones from Best Buy from now on

Tuesday I lost my beloved Ice Cream Sandwich.  We were out in the yard burning the Ivy that we tore off the house last week, I had my phone in the pocket of my sweat shirt. While moving some out lying ivy into the fire I dropped my phone.  Let me just say, raking through coals and seeing "Motorola" is a sickening experience.  I completely freaked out because I have a full month (today actually) before I have a phone refresh coming. My dreams of being able to wait for an I phone 5 or a real ICS build or...or...were crushed. Now I have to get what I can afford, and that will limit money for the next "precious". And then I remembered, "I have Black Tie Accident Protection on my phone!" My joy was full. I could get another Atrix 4G and continue enjoying my ICS pleasantly awaiting something better. I jumped in the car and flew over to Best Buy (happy not to see any police because I drove a little too fast). Stopped by the phone counter where they said, "...